Saturday, September 27, 2008;
Its Sunday and i aint writing abt games or any of that kind of things now(life people should be happy). Well after trying to avoid Patricia who asks if i could give gifts to a certain perse that i have feelings for. She is always BUGGING me. Well you may think that it may sound to me as annoying but au contraire i find it rather amusing. I have to carry out operation silence however . Becoz PATRICIA, I KNOW WHAT YOU AND WENXIN WROTE!!!!!!!. Well i am a changed person who doesnt get angry easily but i can't help blowing up that hard. Since life has been treating me well i figured , why not enjoy it ? PSLE coming. I say "Bring it on!!!Dattebayo!"
I wud like to thank some friends who have helped me. Well i'd also have to thank the D(those in 6/4 should know) since he helped me in some areas. Now abt that perse.That perse is not in the fine establishment i go to every weekday and for those who know that perse.Keep your mouth shut,we don't want the whole sch to know. Now pls ladies and gentlemen,drive safely, we dont want the police to smell our breath and i hate racists.
the victim shall die at 9:31 AM

Card games are one of the most entertaining leisurely objectives to a very surprising group of people...Namely, adults. Card games like duel masters or yu-gi-oh have rare cards like for example the card above. Alcadeias lord of spirits,12500 power,evolution creature,effect:Players can't cast spells other than light spells,text box:"we have watched and we we have waited, now we act",6 mana and angel command. I have seen adults play these children's card games . "Arent they shameless?" I always think to myself. I have seen card people in my time. Two groups actually.Namely card PLAYERS and card COLLECTORS. I'll be talking about these two.
Card collectors.
- To identify one challenge that person to a game.
- Most likely that person would lose,considering you are a duelist at first.
- And that that person would actually not duel you .The possibility of that is high.
- Would most likely have a booklet of cards(they're collectors of course) and would rather sell their cards than buy.
- They LOVE duelling and cannot get enough of it.
- If you challenge them the most likely answer is yes.
- Never EVER bet a card if your sure to lose.
- I am quite the duelist.
- Someone bet me a foil.
- I am a decent duelist and i NEVER cheat.
There you go. Obviously I am quite the gamer and duelist.Forgive me if you hate the stuf i like. Oh and S.S. you should have told me if you didn't like Naruto.
the victim shall die at 3:14 AM