Wednesday, October 1, 2008;
Did I say anything about my favourites ? Anyways, to the people who are interested whats on my brain 24/7. Its ramen. A japanese dish served WITH the soup. The reason why I pointed that out is that some people confuse it with tsukemen. For tsukemen the noodles and the soup are served separately , ramen is served with the soup.Nothing bad with my life today.Just went to my father's friend's house to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa. It is ramen all the way. That was a small introduction of my brain(if i had one or two). Where do you think ramen was invented. Korea or Japan ?
the victim shall die at 3:05 AM
Tuesday, September 30, 2008;
F1F1F1. Thats all they can think about anyways F1 fans this should be worthwile(or not) reading.So I was listening to muttons to midnight last night and listened to a song made by the ever so famous muttons'now i cannot drink milk with tea'.It was funny but then i heard the muttons say a quote from ferrari president(i don't know his name,too long)and he said that the singapore F1 track is a circus track(he insulted it if you didnt know) . Well that ingrid. Next race hope Singapore flyer drop on him(muttons quote) his name , sound like cheese,but then cannot eat cheese because of melamine(again a muttons quote).Yet the worse news came again.That sore loser is advising other companies to NOT go on the Singapore race track. If you don't wanna go back to Singapore WHO CARES. Now i don't want Phillipe Massa to win. Now i support Louis Hamilton . That birdbrain. Later I make all his ferrari cars hit Singapore flyer then fall on him.Anyways I wanna encourage you guys to listen to muttons to midnight every tuesday. 10 pm then i listen.
the victim shall die at 8:08 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008;
Somethings in life are meant and aren't meant to be known. Like which came first , the chicken or the egg.My vote is on the egg.I have no complaints right now in life so I'm not gonna mumble,jumble or complain since life is a bliss(emo-people pls don't sue me-there's very little money to be made from a person poorer than the ah pek outside your house-and I'm anti-emo).Since PSLE is coming up ,you're gonna see people studying.Don't study too hard though, if you keep on like that (drinking lattes,cappucinos or coffee)I bet you could run faster than Usaine Bolt and for curious people, I have never drank coffee or any of that stuff in my life.Even though I was a dropout from the first class and then downgraded to a somehow rather amusing 'lower' class(No offence and don't sue-I can't even afford breakfast). I then realised "why in the world is it that everyone is better than me?" I got some time to think ya know? and with the support of friends like Maung, Syafiq S. and Syafiq I.,Patrick and school teachers and tution teachers like Suffian(its informal i'd call him Mr Suffian if i respected him),Ms Goh,Mr Durai,Mdm Lee,Ms Seah,Mr David,Mr Alex, Mr Lee and Ms Chia, I got on my feet and started revising heavily to get better and better.Tell you guys who're reading this something.If someone asks you if you wanted to be good,say no , say you want to be better.Life is a puzzle.
the victim shall die at 6:20 AM