Saturday, August 1, 2009;
Its my life its not yours.
Don't tell me how to wear my clothes.
Don't tell me to do what i don't want
Don't tell me to stop when i want to go
Don't tell me yes when i say no
Don't tell me what is going to happen for the future
Don't tell me to compromise myself to fit in the crowd
Don't tell me who i wanna be
Don't tell me why i should do what you say
Don't tell me what to do cos its up to me its not up to you
Don't tell me to lower my voice
Don't tell me to fit in cos i don't care
Don't tell me to go when i say stop
Don't tell me how to do my own hair
Don't tell me that what i do is wrong
Don't tell me what i gotta to do
Don't tell me who i have to be
Don't tell me to stop going crazy
Don't tell me who to be my friends
Don't tell me what music i should listen to
Don't tell me to shut up cos its me not you
Don't tell me what to be when i grow up
Don't tell me how to succeed in life
Don't tell me what to study
Don't tell me what to improve
Don't tell me how to improve
Don't tell me what i can't do
Don't tell me to mind my own business
Don't tell me why i should care
Don't tell me how to be better
Don't tell me to be better
Don't tell me how i should live my life
Don't tell me how i gotta go
Don't tell me what to wear
Don't tell me who to like
Don't tell me who to love
Don't tell me who to hate
Don't tell me when to sleep
Don't tell me how to sleep
Don't tell me to be someone i am not
Don't tell me to change myself cos i like me that way
Don't tell me i am in your way
Don't tell me to lower my cellphone volume
Don't tell me to stop texting
Don't tell me to calmdown
Don't tell me, Don't tell me, Don't tell me, DON'T TELL ME
If you don't understand me then GET A CARDBOARD CUTOUT OF ME.
Labels: its mine not yours
the victim shall die at 4:06 AM
Friday, July 31, 2009;
New skin new post and new playlist so there this new posts is dedicated to those.I reccommend you listen to Don't tell me and break my heart.They're nice.Sung by *remembers* Nolan Gerard Funk or smth.NGF.Hmm.Rofl is in my dictionary and lol is out.Why ? lol is overused already so i use ROFL.
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THAT^ is a ROFLCOPTER.In Soviet Russia the roflcopter laughs at you ROFL.
so PEACE OUT ppl and with that this ends
P.S. in blogger the ROFLCOPTER looks effed up so just go search it on google
Labels: Don't Tell me What to do its MY life
the victim shall die at 8:13 AM