Saturday, December 13, 2008;
This subject is COPYWRITED BY LAW .If you see any of these things in another blog that means it has been ripped.NO RIPPING ALLOWED
Labels: PART 2
the victim shall die at 6:29 AM

Went to a cosplay.Liked it v.much.These are amateur photos .They are COPYRIGHTED by LAW and NO RIPPING ALLOWED.
Labels: PART 1
the victim shall die at 6:21 AM
Friday, December 12, 2008;
start time: 11:12pm
name: Gerard Francis Nisperos Delos Trinos
nickname: Mike/Sam
height: Last time i checked it was 1.46
address: Woodlands
Characteristics that i like about myself: I game ALOT.
Characteristics that i hate about myself: I spend too much
1) State 5 random things:
1a).I play Duel Masters
2a)I take French class
3a) I love Maths
4a)I like Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden
5a)I like De Ja Vu
2) What is your favourite meal of the day? Breakfast
3) Who's the dumbest in your class? NO ONE IS DUMB
4) Who's the smartest in your class? IM NOT SAYING IT
5) Who's the most popular in your class? I can only say one of the most popular:me
6) Do you like your form teacher? Not really
7) Do you like your principal? A BIG FAT NO
8) What is your cca? Angklung
9) What are your current 5 favourite songs? and who were they sung by?
1. Heroes come back-nobody(real name)
2. Blue bird-Ikimono Gakari
3. Halo 3 theme-Bungie
4. Go-Flow
5. I write sins,not tragedies-panic at the disco
10) Pass this on to 10 friends:
(I cant pass this on but im gon include these names for the sake of fun and laughter)
1) Syafiq Ismail
2) Kang Shi Zheng
3) Syafiq Sedek
4) Nathan Earl Dioqino a.k.a. Ned
5) Maung Nyi Lwin Min
6) Patrick Gaspar(thats the furthest i know)
7) Elijah a.k.a. Ozzie(Osbourne)
8) Dave (this guy introduced me to domo)
9) Gabriel(not our school gabriel som1 in my blk)
10) Kyle (something,something no offense XD)
a) Who is the nicest friend in here?
I cant decide
b) who is the funniest friend?
Its a fite between Nathan and Maung
c) Do you think 1 & 10 will be best friends?
Yes definitely
d) describe 6.
Filipino and Taller
e) What if 3&9 became best friends?
If 3 plays Duel Masters
f)your relationship with 7?
He's an avid gamer like me and he's a good friend wen it comes to gaming
g)If 6 became your enemy, you will?
h) What is 8's trademark?
I think its DOMO
i)What is 2's surname ?
j)What if 4 and 5 were a couple?
They're guys lawlz.I cant say the rest of the things i know if they were one
end time: 11:41 pm
Took the dang thing cos i felt like taking it
the victim shall die at 7:07 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008;
Well many things have reminded me of a 4-letter word.No,no its not that F-word.Just guess well averything is reminding me of it.The computer ,the ecksbocks,the TV and now duel masters ?I'm havin a weird feeling something is gonna happen on that 18 of Dec its at 11am btw and 9.30am for 19 Dec .Well anywats, I have made a decision.I will stop using the computer for a few days until i get straightened from this computer madness so I wont be posting anything until some time.Just take it as a.....temporary retirement LAWLZ.If your down though you might wanna check out my favourite comedian Russel Peters.He could cheer ya up especially with his talk about DDR.Hey you!!Start dancing...its a revoultion !!!!Anyways i really like the name Mike or Sam and i really wanna be called that name LAWLZ but its never gonna be my name since im stuck with Gerard.Think im gonna change my name when i grow up.
Labels: Retreat
the victim shall die at 4:19 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008;
Wahlao freakin bad siaa my computer cannot play DOMO.I wan wreck it alreadies,good thing got one week warranty because i smash this junk for good budden cannot mah becoz I become very noisy then my neibors all speak what tell me to stop then call police . Then my other laptop someone go hide from me sialah .Nevermind,nevermind i go fix the DOMO problem .Now wan play ecksbocks use marcus fenix kill all the nooby locust on insane.Today also have french class exam .Too easy lah its just basic stuff its not like advanced maths or rocket science.Oh and a reminder:Syafiq I if you are reading this ,you're screwed.What else....OH yeah yeah i forgot to say that i watched the movie wild child.No no im not gay ,never was never will be,besides, i was the only guy there.Only bcoz my tuition teacher treated us and that it was a celebration for PSLE.SO the movie was damn funny I was kept laffin through the whole show
the victim shall die at 9:25 PM
So lawlz people have their addiction to shows and stuff.Like Syafiq I and his Naruto.I also have an addiction but its to starwars instead.Typing as yoda i am now.Lookit this lawlz

Mah new room (and my cute wittle clone trooper mask)

Lawlz a new salmosa gamer mouse

Me a clone trooper I am goin to NS

Guess you wud find a clone trooper and a droid breakdancin and doin ballet respectively
the victim shall die at 6:48 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008;
Lols.So after i saw the twighlight spoof in Si Chen's blog i went to see it on youtube.Guess what i found .Thats rite another spoof
Labels: TDK
the victim shall die at 5:54 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008;
This is a continuation of the last blog.According to the post by S.I.He said he had this gf ya know now that you understand this concept i'm ready to tell ya the relationship between the post of my sobbing and the extreme,super and uber happiness.It was like this:a girl player met me on the team,she wanted to be lovers,so i spent the time hangin out and a time came so i got on my knees in front of her and asked to be lovers.........she said no so thats why I started sobbing.I couldn't sleep way until midnight,got gloomy and didn't feel a thing.Moving on I was just signin into the game and even before a second playing the game i got a line(love line pointing to your truelove,past relative or arch rival)so this person must have seen the line too(i'm not using twit-si chen you must be very happy)and then invited me into friends list,I would have done that but because i was still scarredi didn't,so anyways I went to check the umm...friends list and instead of seeing a golden ring which would mean relative....I saw a heart and you wanna know what it said cos when i see a persons name and there is a ring beside it would say relative but this one said*looks around and scans surroundings* *whispers* T R U E L O V E.I was shocked and frozen and possibly even happy.So there it is,the whole story.Truth nothing but the truth.So far this is the longest post i have ever written.Patricia may be back but a new attitude from me is making its premier this December 18 2008 at 12 noon
the victim shall die at 7:36 AM
So sup guys i was damn busy pplaying DOMO ,what can I say its too fun.Many things have happened the sugar and the salt.Remember in a past blog i was sobbing ? well that has changed now .I have b33n promoted to a branch head part 3 its a real important part and i've found something that cheered me up.Hmm what else.........Oh yeah Syafiq I,I couldnt find my Naruto forehead protector.I have two one my cousin gave me and the other I bought.My cousin also has the naruto sandals and another forehead protector but it was worn by Itachi Uchiha,he's also got the naruto dagger and shuriken both in actual size,weight and material.Well goodbye viewers of this non-pornographic blog,help to k33p the 3nv1r0m3nt clean.....don't swear
the victim shall die at 5:55 AM